Before Your Appointment

Schedule Your Appointment

Scheduling your appointment on my website is easy, just pick a date that you want to be seen, chose a time, and input  your information. This is the quickest way to get your evaluation appointment made. Click on the ‘Make An Appointment’ tab to begin the scheduling process.

After you make your appointment and fill out the required information, I will reach out to you so that I can answer any questions you may have. During that call, we will discuss information regarding your insurance coverage, deductibles, co-pays, and payment options. You will need to put down your credit card information to hold the appointment. Nothing will be charged without your knowledge, and not until after the evaluation has been completed, unless you do not show up for your scheduled appointment.

Prepare in Advance

Before your appointment, make sure you fill out all of your paperwork in the online portal. This paperwork can take an hour or longer to complete, so please be prepared to take the time to answer all of the questions. Filling this out in advance can help the process move along faster, and it will get you out of the office quicker. Do your best to answer all of the questions. If there is something you aren’t sure about, make your best guess and make a note to discuss it with us during your intake exam.

The Appointment

Arrive at the office early to make sure you can find the building and suite. If you are running late, please call or text. There is enough time during this first meeting to complete the evaluation, so if you are going to be over 30 minutes late, the appointment will have to be rescheduled. You will most likely know the outcome of your assessment before you leave. If any other follow up is needed, a plan will be made before leaving the office.

You will receive notice when the evaluation is sent to your provider. All evaluations are sent by HIPPA compliant fax directly to your surgeon’s office. HIPPA regulates that your evaluation cannot be directly released to you because of safety concerns, but it will be sent directly to your surgeon’s or primary care provider’s office.